Friday, June 30, 2017

Joe Byrd & the Field Hippies - "The American Metaphysical Circus" (1969)

Along with experimental San Francisco sound collagists, Fifty Foot Hose, rock composer Joseph Byrd's band, The United States of America and his solo project, Joseph Byrd & the Field Hippies predicted the lo-fi arrival of Bill Holt's 1973 opus, "Dreamies".

From start to finish, this is a delightful record to listen to, and what with all the echoes, backwards vocals, and delays, this could have easily served as soundtrack material for "Twin Peaks." Spare yourself watching the third season, though. Nothing has been learned since it left the air twenty-five years ago. The new "Twin Peaks" is a bomb.

That Joseph Byrd guy asking if anyone has seen any field hippies.

That other Joseph Byrd band full of psychedelic experimentation, The United States of America.

Joseph Byrd chatting it up with actor James Coburn, 1968.

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