Monday, July 3, 2017

The Gus Brendel Group & The Crazy Horses - "Die Große Teenager-Party" (1962)

This German frisbee contains all the superficially safe shimmy shake and frug pop one would expect from the early 1960s, aimed at th' youngurns. You can get it for a buck or two on Discogs, or you can get it here fer nuthin' and buy you some dollar store Tylenol and a Mickey's Big Mouth with that disposable income of yours. Yer gunna need 'em.

This cover... I dunno, looks troubling, what with his raging dude hormones and frustrated tension, while she's this sweet little deer trapped in the headlights, smiling innocently... and that red backdrop made for a Kubrick film. I hope she escaped through the ladies' room window.

I suspect this didn't end well.

Just try grabbing THAT Pussy Galore, Donald...

Is that Stevie Nicks or Juice Newton? Whomever, Miss Lady is stylin'! Nicolette Larson woulda broken his dick.

Oh shit! THAT IS Stevie Nicks! Damn, mamacita!

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