Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - "The Paul Butterfield Blues Band" (1965)

This, their first album was a motherfucker. This tasty slab of electric Chicago blues right here.

All five players were at the top of their game and in extraordinarily high demand, but the showstopper was this twenty-two year old MotT dynamo name of Michael Bloomfield, who had already helped lay down tracks on Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited" album a couple months prior to TPBBB's first record.

Bloomfield had already cut his teeth in his early teens in Chicago's best blues clubs, playing alongside Sleepy John Estes, Howlin' Wolf, and Muddy Waters.

This is a fantastic record, but before you download it here, please check out the video below. Legendary guitarist, G.E. Smith of the Saturday Night Live Band from the late 1980s to middle 1990s (I also saw Smith live in the 1980s as guitarist for Hall & Oates and Bob Dylan) had the golden opportunity a couple years ago to play Bloomfield's 1963 Fender Telecaster, which he played on both albums in 1965. Bloomfield also played it in Dylan's first electric band at the '65 Newport Folk Festival that pissed off so many cranky bastards.

This shit made me cry.

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